Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton
Jeff inside the Cell means he's gonna go crazy, and that's what he did (that ending spot, holy shit!) + you got Randy delivering the most vicious & sadistic beatdown he has done in a looooong time. That stuff w/ the screwdriver was legitimately disturbing. Awesome violence. Certainly one of the most memorable HIAC matches of the PG Era. ***1/2

Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch
This was a very solid match match, with some very good storytelling; it was all about Becky proving that she can hang with Charlotte in a straight up rasslin' match, and that's exactly what happened. ***1/4

Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre vs. The Shield
Very good tag team wrestling! Very good structure, pacing & energetic performances from all involved - in particular Dean Ambrose was on absolute fire. The finishing stretch was very exciting & the finish w/ the Claymore Kick was legitimately very creative & awesome. ***3/4

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
I actually liked this a tad bit more than their SummerSlam match. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles just doesn't go wrong; they put something everything to everything when they face off against one another; stiff strikes, amazing selling & bumping + one of the things I love the most is how brutal Joe's submission look on AJ, because of their size difference. Awesome stuff. ***3/4

Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan vs. Maryse & The Miz
This was laid out in the best way possible. They made the absolute best out of the brief Brie vs. Maryse interactions; by the end, as Brie got the hot tag & then ran wild on Maryse, I was really into it. The only really sloppy thing about their stuff was the ending pinning sequence, but other than that, both of them did really well. And of course Bryan & Miz rocked when they were against one another. Very fun match. ***3/4

Ronda Rousey vs. Alexa Bliss
Ronda's just too good, man. Another amazing big match performance by her, and a completely different one from the previous 2 - here the match started off with her giving Bliss a wonderful asskicking, just throwing her around, much like in their SummerSlam bout. But then via some heel shenanigans, Bliss gets the control & starts targeting Ronda's ribs in relentless fashion. Ronda's selling of this is borderline perfect - she didn't drop the selling at any point, and the hulk up towards the end was maybe the best example of it; she gets the adrenaline going because of Bliss' extended trashtalk segment, but right after she drops her w/ a big slam, she sells the damage perfectly. Just an outstanding performance. Best match of the night. ****

Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman
The clusterfuckery in the ending was what it was, but even before that, this was extremely meh by Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns standards. **

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