Thursday, October 28, 2021

Bryan & Punker, Punker & Bryan

AEW Dark 10/26/21
Aaron Solo vs. Bryan Danielson
Aaron Solo doesn't offer much at all, but this is such a greatly spirited Danielson-show, I can't help but to really like it. His arm-targeting dominance in the beginning is a treat to watch, and his comeback-runs later on are really awesome. To put it more bluntly, everything that he did ruled. What a surprise! And while I said that Solo didn't offer much at all, he did have a nice counter or two in there as well. It's a good, fun little match fitting for a show & setting like AEW Dark. ***

AEW Dynamite 10/27/21
Bobby Fish vs. CM Punk
This was a yet another beautiful CM Punk selling performance (damn that one-legged Macho Man Elbow Drop was cool), but sadly his opponent, Bob Fish, wasn't any compelling here whatsoever. I already thought that he was real spotty in that match vs. Danielson, but his work on top here was completely & really dull. And him doing the Hogan kickout during the finish was just absolutely fucking hilarious. Bless up. It's a solid match thanks to Punker being the boss that he is. **1/2

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