Saturday, October 30, 2021



AEW Rampage 10/29/21

Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston
Eddie got to fully, and I mean FULLY, unleash his King's Road tribute-style here as Danielson took a shitload of punishment from him throughout. Variety of awesomely brutal strikes & suplexes. Lovely. Dragon of course brought it right back at him too, making this an all around real treat of violent looking & feeling pro-wrestling. Vvery good shiet as one would expect from the pairing. ***3/4

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Bryan & Punker, Punker & Bryan

AEW Dark 10/26/21
Aaron Solo vs. Bryan Danielson
Aaron Solo doesn't offer much at all, but this is such a greatly spirited Danielson-show, I can't help but to really like it. His arm-targeting dominance in the beginning is a treat to watch, and his comeback-runs later on are really awesome. To put it more bluntly, everything that he did ruled. What a surprise! And while I said that Solo didn't offer much at all, he did have a nice counter or two in there as well. It's a good, fun little match fitting for a show & setting like AEW Dark. ***

AEW Dynamite 10/27/21
Bobby Fish vs. CM Punk
This was a yet another beautiful CM Punk selling performance (damn that one-legged Macho Man Elbow Drop was cool), but sadly his opponent, Bob Fish, wasn't any compelling here whatsoever. I already thought that he was real spotty in that match vs. Danielson, but his work on top here was completely & really dull. And him doing the Hogan kickout during the finish was just absolutely fucking hilarious. Bless up. It's a solid match thanks to Punker being the boss that he is. **1/2

Sunday, October 24, 2021




Bryan Danielson vs. Dustin Rhodes
It's such a joy that this is a match that happened. It was a really good match that conveyed the nature of the bout perfectly; here Dustin is competing for a possible shot at the World Championship against a guy who he knows is younger, faster n' stronger than him, and you can just see it in his output throughout. Everything comes with nice urgency & even a cool touch of some nervousness. It's two pros having one helluva professional wrestling match. You, or at least I, gotta love it. ***1/2

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Danielson vs Robert Fish



Bobby Fish vs. Bryan Danielson
I absolutely adore their 2010 EVOLVE match, so I was very much looking forward to this one. The big story of that said 2010 meeting of theirs was Danielson absolutely wrecking Fish's leg, and that was remembered here, as the big story of this match was Fish putting Dragon in REAL trouble throughout by brutalizing his leg. I thought that Robert was really good on top with his variety of kicks + that leg-targeting, and of course Bryan is awesome in peril. And then there is that badass, intense comeback where he says "fuck you" to Fish & his leg targeting by showing him how it's REALLY done. Physical, beautiful TV pro-rasslin with an excellent amount of grit & violence. It's lovely. ***3/4

Saturday, October 16, 2021

2x DANIELSON + 2x PUNK: thank you TK!


AEW Dynamite 10/06/21
Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus vs. The Super Elite
This was really fun as expected. Classic PWG-style multi-man tag match where its absolutely action packed with the action getting more n' more hot as it goes on too. Pretty lovely stuff. The highlights for me include everything Bryan did; in particular his first tag-in where he kicked the shit out of Matt Jackson, that one-man-wrecking-crew moment vs. all of the Elite + of course the great showdown vs. Omega. The big Luchasaurus run was epic as well. ***1/2

AEW Rampage: The Buy In 10/15/21
Bryan Danielson vs. Minoru Suzuki
A genuine dream match right here, and the crowd sure made it feel like one with the atmosphere they provided from bell-to-bell. I must admit that for 98% of the time the generic strike-trading sequences do absolutely nothing for me, but here MiSu & Dragon sucked me right into 'em -- much of it has to do with the fact that it's THEM doing it, but also because those said sequences were genuinely fantastic with the timing of when to stop em, when to sell big, when to show that fighting spirit~! etc, you know the deal. This was pro-wrestling happy magic. ****

AEW Rampage 10/08/21
CM Punk vs. Daniel Garcia
This was good fun! My first time watching Daniel Garcia, and I thought he was real solid throughout. It's good ol' Punker who was the star of the thing, though. His initial shine was awesome (that 2x bodyslam moment ruled) & then during his FIP seg, my goodness. A great reminder that he is an absolute master when it comes to selling a worked over bodypart wonderfully & compellingly. ***1/4

AEW Rampage 10/15/21
CM Punk vs. Matt Sydal
Probably the weakest match of Punk's AEW tenure thus far, but it's still a pretty fun match. There's a bit of certain charm to the thing with it being between two veterans from the same generation n' all. Nothing more, nothing less. Rock-solid. **3/4

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Danielson vs Nick Jackson

AEW RAMPAGE 10/01/21

Bryan Danielson vs. Nick Jackson
This felt a bit too long, and that is probably mostly because of how meh Nick Jackson's control-work was. The match as a whole was still good though, because Bryan was obviously of course a killer with his work throughout & Nick's bumping for his offense was veeery nice. ***1/4