Sunday, September 5, 2021




Roman Reigns vs. Finn Bálor
I think I have enjoyed all of their previous TV-matches that I have watched. This one was pretty good too. The dynamic was set during Bálor's entrance when The Usos jumped him; it was gonna happen regardless, but this now set him to TRULY fight from underneath against the champ. Reigns was real good in his role here; that throw he started the match off with was badass + his signature uppercuts looked REAL mighty. Then on the other hand, I thought that Finn was quite the mixed bag (unsurprisingly) w/ his offense; his basic strikes looked really weak, but he also busted out some nice, high energy stuff, so he kinda somewhat made up for that. It's a pretty good match, but they obviously have a much better one in 'em, and we'll probably get to see it by the look of things. **3/4

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