Thursday, May 13, 2021



Jon Moxley vs. Yuji Nagata
WILD THING, YOU MAKE MY HEART SING. Moxley coming out to that sure was the highlight of this entire thing. The match was very paint-by-numbers Yuji Nagata you could say. I thought it was a solid little sub-10 minute brawl, but I would've liked for Moxley to add some of his own signature touches into it to make it stand out. As it stands, it's a cool thing that happened, but the actual match wasn't memorable at all. **

Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian vs. Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson
I thought that this was a really good tag match. The Bucks got to really showcase why they're such lovely pricks, Kazarian looked good, getting plenty of time to shine on the offense + Daniels delivered big time selling his ass off w/ the blood; his whole "final stand" segment after he gets the final tag was certainly my favorite bit of the match. It was pretty great. ***1/2

Darby Allin vs. Miro
This was kinda like Darby's awesome match vs. Brian Cage from January, as in it's Darby getting destroyed by a brute for the most of it, but at the same time, this had a completely different dynamic & charm to it. It's also better. The pre-match attack by Miro was amazingly vicious; it was a complete crime-scene before the bell even rang & I loved it. Then the match officially began & the narrative continued with Miro indeed mostly just completely destroying Darby, and it rules. Miro looks like a monster between his awesome offense & Darby's willingness to make everything look twice or thrice as brutal. Darby's hope spots & comebacks also rule; the last-hurrah he had after the awesome Sting brofist-moment was especially awesome, as was the finish with Miro wonderfully countering his Armbar into that vicious finish of his own. This was absolutely great. ****

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