Sunday, February 7, 2021

The first TRULY GREAT match of 2021!


Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan
And with this, the first truly great match of 2021 has arrived. These two had an already awesome match a few weeks prior also on SmackDown, but this one was even better. Cesaro & Bryan get just a bit over 4-minutes, and goddang do they make the most out of every single second they're given; it's super intense & physical right from the get go with no feeling-out bullshit -- both guys are here to settle some business. It doesn't take long for Bryan to start working on Cesaro's arm, which is obviously superb in all of its focused viciousness, and Cesaro sells it beautifully. Bryan busted out a couple of really neat counters during his control period, namely the backslide one & especially him countering Cesaro's Uppercut-frenzy into an armbar, ultimately transitioning it into the LeBell Lock. Truly awesome stuff, and that continued when it came time for Cesaro to handle some business; the way the end started for D-Bry with Cesaro digging those knees deep into his back was magnificent, and the way Cesaro continued the attack w/ that big torture-rack-backbreaker-thing, followed by the SWING & then making it all pay off with that Sharpshooter finish? Absolutely fucking sick. Bless these two. What a wonderful match. ****

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