Saturday, January 9, 2021

First DANIEL BRYANS of the year


WWE SmackDown 01/01/21
Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Daniel Bryan & Otis
A quality TV-tag. Good FIP segment w/ Bryan rocking the role + Naka & Cesaro doing a real good job working the heat on him, awesome hot tag by Otis with him running through people n' throwing 'em around, and then a nice finishing run to cap it off. ***

WWE SmackDown 01/08/21
Sami Zayn vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. King Corbin vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Adam Pearce
This thing is completely carried by the legitimately great match between Nakamura & Bryan. Nakamura looked & felt more spirited than he has in at least 90% of his main roster matches; him & Bryan already had a nice little TV-match last year, but this was even better. If I were to rate it as a singular match, I'd give it ***3/4. But as it is, I would go *** on the overall gauntlet, and that's still a helluva score considering none of the other segments in it were anything, really.

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