Thursday, December 3, 2020




Jon Moxley vs. Kenny Omega
The result, or actually the way we got there & what it implies, is pretty cool. The match itself might just be the most disappointing one of 2020. The "brawling" (if you can call it that), which filled the first third or so was extremely uninteresting. As was the filler kneework done by Kenny - his targeting of the knee wasn't interesting in the slightest and lead to nowhere. Complete filler, which is what Moxley's selling also said about it. The last third is where the action gets more exciting on paper, but in reality it just continued the trend of this match feeling completely uninspired for the most part. I did like the sit-down punch-trading & the V-Trigger destruction scene towards the end though, but that's about it for the whole match. Moxley has been one of the best wrestlers in the world since leaving WWE & Kenny usually always delivers when he is against wrestlers of that caliber + both guys have had very good years in-ring wise this year, so this was indeed super underwhelming any way I look at it. *3/4

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