Monday, September 28, 2020

WWE Clash of Champions: IC Triple Threat, Jey Uso vs Reigns



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Sami Zayn
I'm not big on ladder matches in general, and they especially DO NOT work well in this era of empty arena matches. So unsurprisingly I didn't care for like 99% of this, but I can appreciate the big bumps they took, because gawd damn, the lads sure went into town when it comes to those. And I guess the best thing I can say about the match overall is that I sure love to see Sami Zayn shine and wrestle according to his character so flawlessly. The finish & the whole lead-up to it was fun too, but yeah, as a whole this wasn't exactly my cup of tea. **

Jey Uso vs. Roman Reigns
The video package highlighting this feud before the entrances was really great. Got me pretty pumped for the match. Sadly the match itself was really damn yawn-inducing. 20-something minutes of Reigns talking trash in cringe fashion -- at first I thought it felt natural, but by the end with all the "CALL ME DA TRIBAL CHIEF" stuff, geeeeez. He dominated pretty much all of the match too, and his actual work doing that wasn't any interesting either. Just very generic & forgettable. Certainly not a match of my liking. There were a few positives though, such as I did like Reigns jawing Lil Naitch, and that one comeback bit by Jey was pretty nice w/ that Superkick & that finish splash of his. *1/2

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