Wednesday, June 24, 2020

New Japan Cup Day 3 STUFF


Shingo Takagi vs. SHO
I didn't like their match from the year before, but this one was good. Lacked a true "hook", so to say, for me to get completely invested in it, but the lads sure gave me lots of meanness in the form of hard forearms, lariats & bombs, and I definitely dug most of it. ***

Kota Ibushi vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
These two are always good together, but I do feel like this match-up feels completely overdone at this point. But then again, as I say that, I come back to that first statement, as this was indeed really good. Some of Zack's early matwork didn't translate too well into the empty arena setting, but once he set that focus on Ibushi's leg, it became very easy to enjoy & follow along, and it was indeed the good stuff. ***1/4

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