Monday, February 3, 2020

RUMBLE stuff

Women's Royal Rumble Match
Fun match! Good flow throughout & didn't overstay its welcome -- the highlights include Mercedes Martinez being included in the thing, OTIS coming out of nowhere & saving Mandy, Naomi & Kairi being awesome, and then of course Shayna getting that time to shine before ultimately getting eliminated last. ***1/4

Daniel Bryan vs. The Fiend
Even better than their already-excellent SurSer meeting. A "psychological thriller" in a pro-wrestling ring of sorts, and the kind of a match that I feel like not many could make work, but you just knew the greatest of all-time had to do it again. ****

Asuka vs. Becky Lynch
Started off VERY dull, but once the knockout-tease happened, things kicked up a notch big time & the action remained fantastic till the very end. Definitely liked this more than their match from the previous year. ***1/4

Men's Royal Rumble Match
The most fun Rumble match in recent history. Brock's domination was awesome, and it built perfectly to the moment of him getting his shit kicked by McIntyre. Speaking of McIntyre, now he's an awesome winner, making the ending of the match satisfying as well. Oh & and of course -- EDGE! What a damn moment. Super fun match from start to finish. ***3/4

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