Sunday, November 3, 2019

Cole vs Bryan

WWE SmackDown 01/11/19
Adam Cole vs. Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan, the best wrestler in the world, is unsurprisingly absolutely fantastic in this. Adam Cole on the other hand? Not so much. It's not that he was [I]bad[/I], but I would be lying if I said he contributed anything worthwhile into the match. This truly felt like D-Bry wrestling a broom, and he sure did his best with that said broom, making this a very good, worthwhile match. The best match of that said brooms year, actually. He worked the cocky ace role excellently between his awesome trashtalk, those brutal kicks, which seemed even more vicious than usual & the same could be said for his submission holds. He was really GRUMPY, and my goodness does GRUMPY American Dragon rule. Even Cole and his random shitty & weak kick variations and bad looking headlocks couldn't ruin this one -- and well to be honest, he (thankfully) didn't even get that much offense in. One of my favorite bits was actually when he took over for like a minute or something, he then starts striking Bryan with some super weak looking forearms, which Bryan shakes off & puts Cole down with some actually fantastic looking forearms of his own. That kind of summed up the whole match in some ways. All in all, a very good & welcomed 20-minute Daniel Bryan, aka the GOAT, -show! ***1/2

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