Thursday, September 5, 2019


Noam Dar vs. Travis Banks
This wasn't bad or anything close to that, but it just basically happened. Nothing memorable or standout moments to it. The only real highlight actually came in the form of commentary with Nigel saying "..seen Daniel Bryan turn inside out with a clothesline like that before" as Dar delivered one off the 2nd rope w/ Travis seated on top of the ropes. Something like this:
D-Bry sure has felt that before indeed, Nigel. **

Cesaro vs. Ilja Dragunov
A lovely smackfest with such great energy to it. Great urgency too. Cesaro was a joy to watch, and the story with Ilja elevating himself & pushing himself to Cesaro's level was told very well through the awesome action between the two. Tied for the MOTN honors. ***1/2

Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews vs. Gallus vs. Grizzled Young Veterans
Felt like by the end this was a bit too lengthy, but all in all it was good fun for sure. Webster & Mandrews were very solid babyfaces, and the two heel teams served well in their roles, especially Gibson & Drake. ***

Dave Mastiff vs. Joe Coffey
It's between this & Cesaro/Dragunov when it comes down to being the best match of the night. This was such a good time with two beefy heavyweights clobbering each other just like two beefy heavyweights should. Very good & fun use of the stipulation too + all the wacky weapons were used in awesome fashion. ***1/2

Kay Lee Ray vs. Toni Storm
Extremely boring. Toni is such an awful babyface, or at least was here. The crying (???) bit was cringe as hell. *

Tyler Bate vs. WALTER
This sure was long as shit. And not in a good way. It felt like they went 42 minutes just for the sake of it, as it didn't add anything to the struggle or urgency of the match. Both guys sure had some great moments in their roles -- WALTER with a few AWESOME monster moments & Tyler with some nice fiery, explosive comeback moves, but overall the work by the two wasn't nowhere near good enough to warrant it going so long, in my eyes anyway. Not bad, but much like their PROGRESS match, pretty disappointing. **3/4

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