Sunday, November 14, 2021




Darby Allin vs. MJF
This was really long. For the absolute majority of it, I didn't care about it at all; it was your usual indy-style "let's make this epic" shiz, but there was also some legitimately really cool stuff in there, such as the couple of backbreakers MJF busted out, which Darby ate wonderfully. Come to think of it, that's actually it for the cool stuff lol. Certainly not a match that I liked very much. It's not a bad one for its genre, but it's just the kind of stuff that I do not care about. **1/4

The Lucha Brothers vs. FTR
At best, this could've been a really intriguing, exciting & charming styles clash, but it sadly didn't end up being that. I surprisingly felt almost nothing at all during FTR's control segs; their work on the offense basically didn't do a thing for me, and that also made me care less/not care at all about Penta & Fenix doing their thing. Pretty disappointing. Oh well, at least I got to hear FTR's new theme for the first time, and it's a certified banger. *3/4

Bryan Danielson vs. Miro
This didn't seem to flow as good as I would've wanted it to, but as the match went on, it got better & better, and by the end, they definitely got me fully into it. Somewhat of a rough start, but got there by the end. Bryan vs. a man bigger than him is always a good match-up, and with Miro's new character, the way this match was done was the most natural way possible; he got to be presented as a total brute throughout & Dragon's journey to victory was full of struggle till the end. It was a good one. ***1/4

Christian Cage & The Jurassic Express vs. The SuperKliq
Dragged like a mofo. I guess the nicest thing I could say about this is that there was a few pretty cool singular spots, but even those were nothing memorable. Too lengthy, moved too slow & just wasn't fun at all. I do love The Bucks going all out with their ridiculous heel looks though. *1/2

Andrade El Idolo & Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes & PAC
A yet another match on this card that went on for way too long. An extended, boring says-nothing TV-match essentially, simply not interesting at all. Definitely felt like it didn't belong on this show. *

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Tay Conti
Not much heat at all at any point of the match, and some of the sequences/spots were reeaal rough. And the basic offense of Britt Baker didn't look good at all, so combine that with the said rough moments? Yeap, this wasn't good. *

CM Punk vs. Eddie Kingston
This shit rocked. A totally lovely fight that right from the entrances fit the story the two had built perfectly. Kingston's pre-bell backfist, Punk doing the CENA, a legitimately amazing Takayama-Frye scrap, Eddie doing the GTS taunt & eating one himself right afterwards, Punker rocking the crimson mask, bless up. This shit rocked. ****

American Top Team & Men Of The Year vs. The Inner Circle
At this point, it's not a surprise that this felt so-very unnecessary long, but I did think that the entire finishing stretch was really fun, and Jericho's Eddie-tribute for the finish was beautiful. Not a good match, but comparing it to the other multi-man no dq tag match on the card, this was definitely better. **

Adam Page vs. Kenny Omega
I didn't think this match was good. It almost was like the most generic big time Kenny Omega match possible with big moves galore & not much of a "hook" to grab me. But with that being said, usually in Kenny Omega matches like that, I also come away with stuff that I enjoyed. Such was the case here, as he & his opponent definitely have some badass looking arsenal, and the moment of Hangman finally winning the big one after years of build was awesome. Not my kind of a match, but it wasn't bad + the moment boosts it a bit. **1/2